Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 4 / Issue 2 / Pages 121-133
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The effect of afforestations on the carbon stock of soil in Transdanubian Region (Hungary)

András Bidló, Péter Szűcs, Adrienn Horváth, Éva Király, Eszter Németh & Zoltán Somogyi



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Forest ecosystems are the most important carbon sinks, and the forest soils play an important role in the global carbon cycle. We have little data on the carbon stock of soils and its change due to human activities, which have similar value to carbon content of biomass. In our investigation we measured the carbon stock of soil in six stands of Quercus petraea and six stands of Robinia pseudoacacia after afforestations. We compared the carbon stock of forests with that of neighboring arable lands of the same soil conditions. We found larger quantity of carbon under the forest stands than in the arable lands (including the forest litter). However, differences were less clear in case of soil layers. In any event, the afforestations increase the carbon stock of soil (including the forest litter), and contribute to the mitigation of atmospheric carbon-dioxide.

Keywords: carbon sequestration, mitigation, afforestation, Robinia pseudoacacia, Quercus petraea, litter

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    Bidló, A., Szűcs, P., Horváth, A., Király, É., Németh, E. & Somogyi, Z. (2014): The effect of afforestations on the carbon stock of soil in Transdanubian Region (Hungary). Bulletin of Forestry Science, 4(2): 121-133. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 4, Issue 2
    Pages: 121-133

    First published:
    6 October 2014

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