Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 4 / Issue 2 / Pages 135-147
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The genetic pattern of oak decline

Klára Cseke, Szilvia Jobb, András Koltay & Attila Borovics


Correspondence: Borovics Attila

Postal address: H-9600 Sárvár, Várkerület utca 30/a.

e-mail: borovicsa[at]erti.hu


We have analysed the genetic pattern of oak decline through the comparison of subpopulations composed viable and declined trees growing close to each other on various stands. The applied sampling method excluded most of the site effects influencing viability. For the genetic investigation 6 nuclear microsatellite loci (ZAG1/5, ZAG96, ZAG110, ZAG9, ZAG11, ZAG112) and 7 isoenzyme loci (IDH_B, PGI_B, AAP_A, AAT_B, ADH_A, SKDH_A, PGM_B) were applied. The genetic diversity of the analysed subpopulations were evaluated by different indices, such as number of alleles, effective number of alleles, Shannon diversity index, number of private allele, expected- and observed heterozygosity, fixation index. The different tendency of results regarding isoenzyme markers in case of pedunculate and sessile oaks was a conspicuous speciality of the study. Higher allele diversity was detected in the declined pedunculate oak subpopulation, while in case of the sessile oaks the viable subpopulation showed higher values. A very similar tendency could be revealed with the calculation of fixation index based on the heterozygosity values. In case of the microsatellite markers the outstanding allelic diversity of the viable pedunculate oak subpopulation was remarkable. Based on the genetic distance among the analysed subgroups the two oak species compose two distinct clusters, and also the viable and declined subpopulations separate within the two main clusters.

Keywords: pedunculate oak, sessile oak, oak decline, microsatellite analysis, isoenzyme analysis, genetic structure

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    Cseke, K., Jobb, Sz., Koltay, A. & Borovics, A. (2014): The genetic pattern of oak decline. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 4(2): 135-147. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 4, Issue 2
    Pages: 135-147

    First published:
    6 October 2014

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