Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 1 / Issue 1 / Pages 107-114
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Identification of poplar genotypes based on DNA fingerprinting method

Klára Cseke, Attila Benke & Attila Borovics


Correspondence: Cseke Klára

Postal address: H-9600 Sárvár, Várkerület 30/A.

e-mail: csekekl[at]ertisarvar.hu


A molecular genetic method was tested in order to identify poplar genotypes based on their DNA fingerprints. Applying nine microsatellite (SSR) markers the individuals were clearly distinguishable from each other. Therefore, the genetic code resulted from the analysis can be used as an identification code for each individuals. The study presented here comprises the method description by the genetic identification of 36 poplar cultivars and candidate clones. The method is proposed for variety protection and for the official control of reproductive materials as well.

Keywords: poplar cultivars, microsatellite markers, genetic identification, cultivar protection

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    Cite this article as:

    Cseke, K., Benke, A. & Borovics, A. (2011): Identification of poplar genotypes based on DNA fingerprinting method. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 1(1): 107-114. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 1, Issue 1
    Pages: 107-114

    First published:
    1 September 2011

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