Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 8 / Issue 2 / Pages 5-8
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The necessity and steps of establishing a forestry climate centre

Attila Borovics, Gábor Illés, János Juhász, Norbert Móricz, Ervin Rasztovits, Beáta Nimmerfroh-Pletscher, Ferenc Unghváry, Tamás Pintér, Zoltán Pödör & László Jereb


Correspondence: Borovics Attila

Postal address: H-9600 Sárvár, Várkerület 30/A.

e-mail: borovicsa[at]erti.hu


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Borovics, A., Illés, G., Juhász, J., Móricz, N., Rasztovits, E., Nimmerfroh-Pletscher, B., Unghváry, F., Pintér, T., Pödör, Z. & Jereb, L. (2018): The necessity and steps of establishing a forestry climate centre. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 8(2): 5-8. (in Hungarian) DOI: 10.17164/EK.2018.016

Volume 8, Issue 2
Pages: 5-8

DOI: 10.17164/EK.2018.016

First published:
10 August 2018

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