Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 4 / Issue 2 / Pages 55-64
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Developing a unified soil type database for County Zala Hungary using classification algorithms

Gábor Illés, Gábor Kovács, Annamária Laborczi & László Pásztor


Correspondence: Illés Gábor

Postal address: H-1277 Budapest, Pf.: 17.

e-mail: illesg[at]erti.hu


Within the framework of AGRÁRKLÍMA project we prepared soil maps for both forest- and croplands of Zala County of Hungary. To achieve this we used a GIS database consisting of data on geology, relief, hydrology, (referred as environmental variables) and forestry, supported with data from the Digital Kreybig Soil Information System. The available set of site data from forestry and agricultural database was evaluated in relation to the environmental datasets. This process aimed at setting up signatures for all soil types by signature of the most strongly related environmental feature sets for each soil type. Using these signatures we trained hierarchical and non-hierarchical classification tools to identify the spatial extent of soils in Zala County. Neural networks were found to be the most effective mapping tool. Making a validation with a data set of known soil characteristics we found 67% correct classification rate for the county. Additionally, we set up a joint soil type database for county Zala.

Keywords: soil mapping, GIS, classification tools, farming, forest management

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    Cite this article as:

    Illés, G., Kovács, G., Laborczi, A. & Pásztor, L. (2014): Developing a unified soil type database for County Zala Hungary using classification algorithms. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 4(2): 55-64. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 4, Issue 2
    Pages: 55-64

    First published:
    9 October 2014

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