Results of Agroclimate 2 project: Compilation of digital soil-type map of Hungary
Gábor Illés, Tamás Fonyó, László Pásztor, Zsófia Bakacsi, Annamária Laborczi, Gábor Szatmári & József Szabó
Correspondence: Illés Gábor
Postal address: H-9600 Sárvár, Várkerület 30/a.
e-mail: illesg[at]
According to the tasks of Agroclimate 2 project it was necessary to compile from forestry and agriculture viewpoint an equally applicable soil and landsite database with countrywide coverage. To achieve this by the unification of present forestry and agricultural landsite databeses and by using a set of meaningful environmental predictor variables under the umbrella of digital soil mapping approach we started to compile digital soil maps. Our efforts resulted in the first version of Hungary’s new digital soil map, which provides information on soils with a spatial resolution of 1 ha. On the basis of the validation of the map we concluded that its confidence is approximately 70%. By the exploitation of refining possibilities provided by the digital soil mapping methods further efforts will be made to achieve prediction accuracy above 80%.
Keywords: soil mapping, classification, segmentation, digital soil map
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Cite this article as:
Illés, G., Fonyó, T., Pásztor, L., Bakacsi, Zs., Laborczi, A., Szatmári, G. & Szabó, J. (2016): Results of Agroclimate 2 project: Compilation of digital soil-type map of Hungary. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 6(1): 17-24. (in Hungarian) DOI: 10.17164/EK.2016.002
Volume 6, Issue 1
Pages: 17-24
First published:
27 September 2016
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