Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 1 / Issue 1 / Pages 29-43
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High resolution digital soil mapping in the Vaskereszt forest reserve

Gábor Illés, Gábor Kovács & Bálint Heil


Correspondence: Illés Gábor

Postal address: H-1277 Budapest, Pf. 17.

e-mail: illesg[at]erti.hu


Using the digital soil mapping methods we made the soil map of Vaskereszt forest reserve. Soil samples were collected applying stratified random sampling. 138 sample sites were appointed where soil-types were determined. We used the digital elevation model, soil data, and geological data in order to produce soil map. To predict soil information for the areas between sample points general discriminant-, classification tree, and artificial neural network analysis were applied, in which relief and geological variables were predictors. Soil map was developed first using each method separately, and second using them simultaneously. Their prediction accuracies were compared. We concluded that these methods are able to derive soil maps however the classification accuracies are uneven, ranging between 66-92%. The soil map that was derived by the joint application of the three methods obtained 10% improvement in the overall accuracy.

Keywords: digital soil mapping, spatial prediction, forest reserve

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    Cite this article as:

    Illés, G., Kovács, G. & Heil, B. (2011): High resolution digital soil mapping in the Vaskereszt forest reserve. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 1(1): 29-43. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 1, Issue 1
    Pages: 29-43

    First published:
    1 September 2011

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