Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 4 / Issue 2 / Pages 77-89
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Forests’ yield and height growth dependence on site conditions in County Zala Hungary

Gábor Illés, Tamás Kollár, Gábor Veperdi & Ernô Führer


Correspondence: Illés Gábor

Postal address: H-1277 Budapest, Pf.: 17.

e-mail: illesg[at]erti.hu


One of the upcoming most severe issues in forestry in relation with climate change is set up a sound base for correct choice of applicable species. The current practice is unable to entirely solve this problem. Within the framework of AGRÁRKLÍMA project we investigated the site dependence of height growth for some species in county Zala. For the study we used data of different sources: forest management plans, long-term experimental plots of NARIC FRI for yield assessments, and site characteristics. We identified the factors from the dataset, which have main influence on height growth of the following species: beech, sessile oak, turkey oak, scots pine. Using multiple regressions we derived functions to assess height growth of above species. We found biologically high values of R-square between 0.65 and 0.87. Beside the age of the stands the most influencing factors were: forest aridity index, rootable depth, and soil texture. Using the regression equations and the new yield tables for the county we prepared maps showing the expected change in yield classes and growth-capacity according to the increase of aridity index due to climate change. This method makes us able to support yield based choice of tree species for future afforestations and regenerations.

Keywords: climate change, tree height, yield assessment, GIS

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    Cite this article as:

    Illés, G., Kollár, T., Veperdi, G. & Führer, E. (2014): Forests’ yield and height growth dependence on site conditions in County Zala Hungary. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 4(2): 77-89. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 4, Issue 2
    Pages: 77-89

    First published:
    8 October 2014

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