Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 1 / Issue 1 / Pages 115-124
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Local yield tables for black locust at Nyírség

Károly Rédei, Imre Csiha, Zsolt Keserű, Ágnes Végh Kamandiné & János Rásó


Correspondence: Rédei Károly

Postal address: H-4150 Püspökladány, Farkassziget 3.

e-mail: redei.karoly[at]t-online.hu


In Hungary the black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) can be considered as the most important stand-forming exotic tree species. Due to its favorite growing technological characteristics as well as its wood utilization possibilities the present area occupied by black locust stands amounts to 420 thousand hectares. Of its growing districts Nyírség (North-East Hungary) has a distinguished importance where the area of black locust stands is about 23,000 hectares. To determine their growth rate and yield as exact as possible a local numerical yield table has been constructed on the basis of surveys of the experimental plots established in black locust stands. The yield table can be favourably used for the explanation on the local forest- oriented directives as well.

Keywords: black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), local yield table, Nyírség (North-East Hungary)

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    Cite this article as:

    Rédei, K., Csiha, I., Keserű, Zs., Kamandiné, V. Á. & Rásó, J. (2011): Local yield tables for black locust at Nyírség. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 1(1): 115-124. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 1, Issue 1
    Pages: 115-124

    First published:
    1 September 2011

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